Does Vitamin C Really Work For Abortion

Does Vitamin C Really Work For Abortion

18 Natural and Safe Home Remedies for Abortion

  • Precautions to Take Before Abortion
  • Home Remedies to Abort Pregnancy Naturally

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Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in a woman's life, especially when it comes as a blessing when she has decided to start a family. Those two lines on a pregnancy test can bring so much joy and happiness to those who have been waiting! But what about women are not able to feel the same happiness with a pregnancy? For them, it can turn into a nightmare.

There are many reasons as to why a woman's journey with pregnancy can get derailed. You may not have been planning for a pregnancy. You may be in the prime of your career. You could be too young to be a mommy. You could have a health condition or another such medical reason. All of these reasons can lead you to deciding to terminate your pregnancy. Though it may sound unethical at first, it's important to understand that unwanted or nonviable pregnancies can bring nothing but despair to a couple.

You can choose to go in for medical or surgical procedures to terminate your pregnancy as recommended by a doctor, but these may have side effects on your health. On the other hand, going the natural way and using home remedies for an abortion is not only effective and convenient, but allows you to keep the entire abortion procedure hush-hush. Here, we shall be discussing how to follow various home remedies effectively for an abortion.

Precautions to Take Before Abortion

There are home remedial measures available for almost any medical condition. However, you need to exercise great caution while following natural methods, especially for procedures of abortion. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind before adopting any home remedial measures for abortion:

  • You have to be extremely sure of your decision of terminating your pregnancy. It can be emotionally scarring for a mother, so it is advised to get on with the abortion procedure only if you are sure of your decision of termination.
  • Make sure you are in a healthy state before adopting any home remedial methods of abortion. Not being in the pink of health may lead to more discomfort and complications.
  • You should not use any home remedy for abortion if you have crossed ten weeks of pregnancy. Using home remedial measures beyond this point in your pregnancy may cause severe complications.
  • Some home remedial methods may lead to complications. Therefore, it is recommended to seek expert advice. Improper methods of abortion may lead to serious side effects.
  • In case of unsuccessful efforts of abortion using home remedies, you should seek immediate medical assistance, as there could be some complications.
  • You may have to try one or more methods of abortion when using natural methods. This is because what may work for one woman, may not work for the other.

Once you take care of all the above-mentioned precautions, you can choose which remedy to follow for your abortion. Home remedies are extremely cost-effective as compared to medical and surgical procedures, and if practiced in the correct way and at the right time, you can achieve the desired results.

Home Remedies to Abort Pregnancy Naturally

If you are wondering about how to terminate your pregnancy at home in a uncomplicated method, following any of these home remedies will prove to be effective:

1. Papaya for Abortion


Papaya is best known for its great nutritive value. This wonder fruit is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium, carotenes, riboflavin, dietary fibre and other vital nutrients. However, once you get pregnant, this is amongst the few food items from which you should strictly stay away.

Both ripe and unripe forms of papaya have abortion-inducing properties. The milky, white fluid – latex – in raw papaya has high levels of prostaglandin and oxytocin present that are effective in boosting labour contractions. Along with this, the presence of the papain enzyme hampers the production of progesterone, which can hinder the progress of pregnancy, and result in an abortion. Consuming papaya is an effective way to terminate a pregnancy.

2. Pineapple for Abortion

Pineapple is known for its tangy and sweet flavour. This yummy fruit is loaded with immense health benefits, as they are a rich source of Vitamin C, iron, folate and other important nutrients. Thus, it might surprise you to know that this fruit is one of the most effective home remedies for an unwanted pregnancy!

If you want to try this home remedy for abortion, it is recommended that you opt for greener and unripe pineapples rather than the yellow ripe ones. Proteolytic enzyme or bromelain, which are present in the greener pineapples, are responsible for breaking down protein. In the initial stages of pregnancy, the embryo is mainly made of protein. Consuming ample amounts of pineapple in early stages of pregnancy (up to 10 weeks), can cause bleeding by softening the cervix, which results in a natural abortion.

3. Goji Berry for Abortion

Goji berry is an effective home remedy to terminate a pregnancy. These small berries, also known as wolfberry, have been popular in Chinese medicine for a long time. Various parts of the goji plant, like the leaves, fruits and even the bark, are used for medicinal purposes.

Goji berries contain betaine, a nutrient that, for a non-pregnant woman, can be wonderful, but quite harmful for a pregnant woman. It can cause uterine contractions and bleeding, and may even disrupt a few essential body functions, thus resulting in a miscarriage. It is recommended to consume large amounts of goji berry (more than 10 grams a day) for abortion in a natural way.

4. Parsley for Abortion

Everyone loves the aromatic twist that parsley lends to different dishes around the world. This wondrous herb is not only the most preferred medium of garnish, but is also loaded with essential oils and Vitamin C.

Parsley is known to cause menstrual flow, and consuming large amounts of parsley during the early stages of your pregnancy (before 10 weeks) can result in a natural abortion. The ample amounts of Vitamin C make parsley one of the most effective natural remedies for abortion. Vitamin C in parsley increases the oestrogen levels in the body and these elevated hormones result in increased blood to the reproductive organs. Apart from this the volatile oils aid in thinning the uterine walls and softening the cervix and thus results in uterine spasms.

5. Vitamin C for Abortion

Vitamin C is a super healthy nutrient, having ample health benefits. It is abundant in many fruits such as pineapple, papaya, berries, etc. However, it has a flip side, in that it can be used as a home remedy for an abortion. You can consume it via fruits, or you can take Vitamin C supplements to terminate your pregnancy. However, if you wish to take supplements, it is recommended to get in touch with your doctor before doing so. Consuming high levels of vitamin C can prove to be detrimental and may cause kidney problems. Consuming Vitamin C increases oestrogen and reduces the progesterone in the body. Low levels of progesterone leads to bleeding and eventually causes abortion.

6. Sesame Seeds for Abortion


Sesame seeds are power packed with proteins, iron, amino acids, calcium and Vitamins B, C and E. These 'super' seeds are effective in treating flu and cold, and are also effective in keeping constipation at bay! Additionally, consuming sesame seeds causes abortion in a natural way, as they can cause contraction of the uterine muscles. You may soak the seeds overnight and consume them in the morning for a few days, or till the result is achieved. Though there is no recommended dosage for consuming sesame seeds, as these seeds do not pose any hazards to your health, consuming a handful a day should be good enough.

7. Cohosh for Abortion

Cohosh herbs are one of the most effective natural remedies for abortion. These herbs are available in red, blue and black varieties, and they are known for their medicinal properties. For non-pregnant women, blue cohosh is beneficial in regulating the hormonal imbalance, and it is also effective in regulating the menstrual cycle. Black cohosh is helpful in treating insomnia, hot flushes, mood swings and irritability that may arise in the menopausal stage.

However, apart from this, blue and black cohosh, when taken together, are very effective for inducing an abortion. The caulosaponin and oxytocin present in them trigger the abortion process by softening the cervix and causing uterine contractions.

8. Acacia Pods and Banana Leaves for Abortion

Acacia pods and banana leave shoots are very effective in causing abortion. You may take equal amounts of acacia seeds and banana leave shoots and powder them after drying. Take this powder mixed with sugar and hot water until the menstruation begins. Though the exact scientific cause behind this process in not established, this remedy has been known to be effective in termination of a pregnancy.

9. Chamomile Tea for Abortion

Chamomile tea is a blessing for tea lovers. This fragrant tea is beneficial in treating insomnia, depression and spasms. However, many people may not know that consuming chamomile tea is also a great way of terminating pregnancy naturally. The presence of thujone in chamomile induces uterine contractions leading to abortion. If you are aiming for abortion by consuming chamomile tea, you may have to increase the consumption of this tea for up to 2 to 3 cups a day for a week.

10. Evening Primrose Oil for Abortion

Evening primrose oil has immense health benefits for skin and bone ailments. However, if it is consumed in a form of pill or applied in substantial amounts on the cervix, it may result in abortion.

11. Mugwort Leaves for Abortion

Mugwort is a perennial plant that is primarily used to treat women's reproductive ailments for centuries. It is also very effective in treating various medical conditions such as bronchitis, digestive problems, and muscle stiffness. This herb can also induce an abortion, as it is known to stimulate a menstrual flow. Mugwort is rich in essential oils, flavonoids, absinthin and tannin, which are known for stimulating the uterus and cause abortions.

12. Cotton Root Bark for Abortion

This biennial shrub has been known for centuries to have abortifacient (abortion-inducing) properties. Cotton root bark was used to treat fertility issues, menstrual cramps and labia tumours. Cotton root bark is an effective natural remedy for abortion. However, it is very important that you have access to a cotton plant that is free of harmful chemicals and pesticides. You may make a decoction by infusing this plant in boiling water. You may keep taking tea made with cotton root bark till your menstruation commences.

13. Pennyroyal for Abortion

Pennyroyal is an effective herb in dealing with termination of pregnancies. This herb comes in two forms, European pennyroyal and American pennyroyal. Extra caution must be exercised when dealing with this herb, as negligent handling may lead to fatal consequences. You may take this herb in fresh as well as dried form, and boil it in water to make tea. You may drink this tea for a few days, or till the bleeding starts. Be cautious about over-consuming this tea.

14. Cinnamon for Abortion


Cinnamon is one of the most loved and popular spices all over the world. This fragrant spice is widely used in food, beverages, desserts and even medicines. If consumed in the initial stages of pregnancy, it may lead to uterine contractions and bleeding, resulting in abortion. The complexity of its components makes it difficult to establish the exact cause that results in abortion, but this spice has been in practice for terminating unwanted pregnancies since ages. You may consume cinnamon in powdered form or as supplements. However, it is recommended not to go overboard with consumption of this spice, as it may lead to other side effects.

15. Acupuncture for Abortion

Acupuncture has been in practice for centuries. It is based on the principle that ailments result from a disrupted flow of energy in the body. In order to be hale and hearty, this disrupted energy has to start flowing again in the body. Thus, certain areas or spots in the body are stimulated to let the energy flow.

For aborting a pregnancy, acupuncture focuses on certain points in the body that could be stimulated. When these points are stimulated, it may result in a miscarriage. These points are SP6 and L14. However, it is strongly recommended that you take the help of an acupuncture expert if you wish to terminate your pregnancy through this method.

16. Sexual Intercourse for Abortion

Yes, having sex can also lead to a natural abortion! Having sex and orgasms multiple times a day in the initial stages of pregnancy may lead to abortions. Therefore, if you wish to end your pregnancy, you may practice regular sex, as orgasms cause abortions in a natural manner.

17. Hot Water Showers for Abortion

hot water shower

When you expose your body to extreme temperatures (102 degrees or more) in the initial stages of pregnancy, your body's basal temperature rises, resulting in your body going into crisis mode. Your body acts vigorously to regulate your rising temperature, rather than focusing on the foetus. Taking hot water showers is recommended for up to two weeks or just until you achieve your desired outcome.

18. Massage for Abortion

Massage is an excellent way to relax tired muscles. However, when done in the early stages of pregnancy, it can lead to an abortion. You may take any massage oil and use it to massage your belly area. The main focus should be to keep the strokes downwards and keep applying pressure on the pelvic region. The pressure and strokes will result in releasing the foetus.

19. Taking Aspirin for Abortion

If you are pregnant, aspirin is amongst the first few medicines that you will be told not to take. However, if you are dealing with an unwanted pregnancy, then taking aspirin may provide you with a solution. You may take an aspirin 5 to 6 times a day for a few days or till the termination of pregnancy. You may include other food items such as figs, ginger and cinnamon, which are effective in generating body heat and thus helpful in aiding abortion. It is recommended to take your doctor's advice on taking aspirin for abortion.

20. Exercise for Abortion

Exercising is a great way of keeping our body and mind healthy. In the early stages of pregnancy, you may be advised against following a strenuous exercising regime. However, if you wish to get rid of your unwanted pregnancy, then exercise your way to an abortion. High intensity workouts such as sit ups, crunches, squats, running, jogging or even weight training may be done till you achieve the desired outcome.

Disclaimer: The above mentioned methods are effective in terminating an undesired or unwanted pregnancy. However, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor before adopting any of the above mentioned methods of abortion to avoid complications.

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